上周,36 氪就曾报道过 Twitter 即将在全公司范围内进行裁员的消息。当时裁员传闻一出,Twitter 股价立即下跌了 2.76 %。今天裁员消息进一步得到坐实。据 recode 报导,Twitter 在 14 日早上递交给证券交易委员会的一份文件中显示,即将大规模裁员 336 人,约合总员工数的 8%。这次裁员将花费 Twitter 大约 1,500 万美元的费用,主要是用于支付员工遣散费。
Dorsey 在 8 月份曾宣布重组工程组织结构来提高运营效率。这家公司近年来变得越发臃肿,今年第二季度,Twitter 员工总数约为 4,200 人,较 2013 年第二季度末的 2,000 名左右员工增长了一倍以上,相比之下,Twitter 的用户数增幅却不到 50 %。
技术人员团队是 Twitter 此次人员重组的重点。在 Dorsey 写给全体员工的内部信中,这位重回 CEO 创始人再次强调道,“更灵活的产品和工程团队可以保持更大的工作效率和工作积极性”。这次人员上的调整也被 Twitter 期望能为第三季度带来更高的营收预期,公司将预期提升至了大约 5.6 亿美元,Ebitda 利润则提高到了 1.15 亿美元。Twitter 在早先交易市场里的股价也提升了 1.5 %。
诞生于 2006 年的小蓝鸟今年已经 9 岁了。在体量增长趋于封顶后,Twitter 一直在寻求实现突围的方法,但混乱的管理高层问题一直是块心病。Twitter 之前刚经历过一段 3 个月没有正式 CEO 的尴尬窘境。而重新夺回 CEO 执政权的 Dorsey 似乎下定决心要为小蓝鸟带来重生,之前甚至有消息称他们要向自己最有标志性的产品特性——140 字限制下手。现在看来,裁员和人员重组或许会是他们经历重生的第一步。
以下为 CEO Jack Dorsey 信件全文:
From: Jack Dorsey To: All Employees Date: October 13, 2015 Subject: A more focused Twitter
We are moving forward with a restructuring of our workforce so we can put our company on a stronger path to grow. Emails like this are usually riddled with corporate speak so I’m going to give it to you straight.
The team has been working around the clock to produce streamlined roadmap for Twitter, Vine, and Periscope and they are shaping up to be strong. The roadmap is focused on the experiences which will have the greatest impact. We launched the first of these experiences last week with Moments, a great beginning, and a bold peek into the future of how people will see what’s going on in the world.
The roadmap is also a plan to change how we work, and what we need to do that work. Product and Engineering are going to make the most significant structural changes to reflect our plan ahead. We feel strongly that Engineering will move much faster with a smaller and nimbler team, while remaining the biggest percentage of our workforce. And the rest of the organization will be streamlined in parallel.
So we have made an extremely tough decision: we plan to part ways with up to 336 people from across the company. We are doing this with the utmost respect for each and every person. Twitter will go to great lengths to take care of each individual by providing generous exit packages and help finding a new job.
Let’s take this time to express our gratitude to all of those who are leaving us. We will honor them by doing our best to serve all the people that use Twitter. We do so with a more purpose-built team, which we’ll continue to build strength into over time, as we are now enabled to reinvest in our most impactful priorities.
Thank you all for your trust and understanding here. This isn’t easy. But it is right. The world needs a strong Twitter, and this is another step to get there. As always, please reach out to me directly with any ideas or questions.
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