Sony Mobile 表示,MyXperia 能让用户在遗失手机时可以定位并即时上锁,并未如外传般将个人资料传送至中国北京服务器。
日前曾有消费者发现,搭载 Android 4.4 KitKat 操作系统的 Sony Xperia 智能手机中,就算没有安装百度应用程序,也会自动出现名为“baidu”的资料夹,且删除后还会自动重新出现,并会透过 MyXperia 将资料传送至中国服务器,被认为这是间谍程式。
对此,Sony Mobile 做出回应,表示 MyXperia 是 Sony 所推出的安全应用,若是手机遗失能即时定位与上锁,并不会传送用户资料;由于该程式为支援 Google 云端服务及百度推送服务而设,故 2014 年夏天起增加至程式的通知框架。
不过由于并非所有消费者均位于中国大陆,Sony Mobile 表示新版本的 MyXperia 将能让用户自行选择所在地区,预计近期就会推出。
Sony Mobile 回应全文:
I’ve had some further feedback from the guys in our development team. I can confirm that Xperia phones don’t store any user data for transmission to Baidu. The MyXperia app supports both Google Cloud Messaging service and the Baidu Push Notification framework, as do many third party apps, to make sure we can support our China customers as well as those in the rest of the world. Both get automatically initialised when you first activate MyXperia. The IP activity you are seeing is just linked to Baidu’s push notification system, which is an expected behaviour for this application.”
Future updates of MyXperia will be optimised so the Baidu Push Notification framework is only initialized in Mainland China variants of Xperia devices. But as these services are common standards in the industry, other 3rd party applications may also include Baidu Push Notifications or other Baidu services, resulting in the Baidu folder being shared between such applications. Sony Mobile fully reassures all its customers that MyXperia uses a push notification system and does not store any user data for transmission to Baidu.
- Sony responds to Baidu spygate storm; reassures no data shared
(本文由 VR-Zone 授权转载)