两颗已解除任务的卫星正以合计 5 万 3,000 公里的时速高速朝彼此接近,专家担心两者迎面撞上,产生数以千计的太空碎片。
根据太空碎片追踪公司 LeoLabs,一颗国际太空望远镜及一颗实验性的美国卫星正在相反轨道上行进,格林威治时间 23:39(台湾时间 30 日上午 7 时 39 分)是它们最接近的时刻。
两颗卫星在美国匹兹堡上空约 900 公里处相遇,可能擦身而过。
卫星第一次发生相撞是在 2009 年,一颗现役的通讯卫星“铱 33 号”(Iridium 33)撞上俄罗斯卫星“宇宙(Cosmos)2251”。
Thankfully our latest data following the event shows no evidence of new debris. To be sure, we will perform a further assessment upon the next pass of both objects over Kiwi Space Radar occurring later tonight.
— LeoLabs, Inc. (@LeoLabs_Space) January 30, 2020
We are pleased to report that in the first several radar passes of the two objects after the close approach, we see no evidence of new debris. This event has served to highlight the collision risks caused by derelict satellites in LEO.
— LeoLabs, Inc. (@LeoLabs_Space) January 30, 2020
- 风神卫星险与 SpaceX 卫星相撞,欧洲太空总署手动操作避让